Friday, November 22, 2013

1200 pt Escalation League Batrep Daemons Vs Tau (No Pics)

Tonight as Part of a Good Bad and Ugly league (Factions are Imperials, Chaos, Xenos basically), I used my Daemons and Faced off against Tau.

Lists were
Fateweaver-Misfortune, Spontaenous Combustion, Iron Arm, Invisibility
Slaanesh Daemon Prince-Wings, Armor, Str5 armorbane template, Reroll invuln saves, 4+FNP, Iron Arm, Endurance, Warp Speed
10 Pink Horrors
10 Pink Horrors
Tzeentch Daemon Prince-Wings, Armor, Grimoire, Armorbane&Fleshbane, Endurance, Life Leech, Haemorrage

His list to the best of my memory is
Commander-The stuff that buffs his unit, no guns
10 Fire Warriors
10 Fire Warriors
14 Kroot+1 Hound
2 Crisis Suits-2 Fusions each
2 Crisis Suits-2 Plasmas each
2 Broadsides-1 Rail, 1 Missile(Skyfire), 2 Drones,
4 Pathfinders
     Devilfish-Smart Missiles
Sniper Drone Team
Aegis-Icarus Lascannon.

We were playing on a 4x4 board per league rules, the old Spearhead deployment 3 Obj 1 in center of the board and one in center of our deployment  table quarters.  "Our own" obj=1VP, Center obj=3VP, "Opponents" obj=5pt

He had first turn, I failed to seize. I reserved my Pink Horrors, He held one squad of Fire Warriors, the Kroot, and both Crisis Suit Teams in reserve.

Turn 1 I hid my Princes pretty well and made my saves so he did not do any damage, and Fateweaver was out of range, Fateweaver got Grimoired, and Iron Arm up, Invisibility on the Tzeentch Prince who failed Endurance, the Slaanesh guy got both of his powers up.  Warp Storm was Nurgle's Rot no damage.

Turn 2 Kroot and Fusionsuits are in, he puts 2 wounds on the Slaanesh Prince but fails to ground him.

My Horrors Come in and scatter aways so I spend all game trying to get 1 group to my home objective, the other group I use eventually to be an overwatch magnet for my Princes. Warp Storm is +1 invuln Fateweaver misfortunes his pathfinders, and kills them for first blood, and Slaanesh Prince Charges the Kroot and smashes to avoid killing too many, they pass morale and stick around to my opponent's dismay.

Turn 3 His last reserves come in, He struggles shooting at my stuff puts a couple wounds on my Tzeentch Prince, Kroot lose combat and flee (originally we thought they were swept but a friend nearby commented that a Kroot hound had a fairly high initiative we checked and they did run away.)

Daemon Princes and Horrors try charging his Fire Warriors+Commanders, Through the Aegis, almost failed all 3 charges(even with fleet on the Slaanesh one) one makes it through and Commander Refuses challenge, and the squad gets swept giving me warlord point.

Remaining turns he kills the suicided Pink Horrors, I kill his kroot leaving him troopless, and he takes out the Slaanesh Prince, Fateweaver was sucessfully grimoired all game and thus took no wounds, and the Tzeentch Prince held on thanks to some clutch FNP rolls, I failed every IWND roll I tried that game, but my FNP rolls were hot, as well as some warp storm help 2 +1 invul results, as well as none of my MCs being shot out of the sky like usual, (second thought one Prince may have gone down, but it was his last unit shooting so it didn't matter)

Score 8-2 for the Bad Guys, (5 for winning mission, the 3 bonus pts, He got 2 from using his same 1000pt block from the previous week, I did not get that because I dropped a Keeper of Secrets for the Tzeentch Prince)

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