Saturday, May 22, 2010

'Ard Boyz

Well a couple of friends and I went to our local gaming store for the 40k 'Ard Boyz prelims figuring at worst we get in 3 games at best we sweep the top spots...

Who are we kidding, we were happy not to take the bottom places. My Dark Eldar which I have been playing less than a year took 15th out of 16 by scraping a draw in the opening round, major loss in the second, and massacred in the final game.

The draw I was able to pull off with a little craft world Eldar trickery I learned from Fritz at .(note this is from his websites and youtube vids not from him in person)Which is this posts connection to skimmers,going flat out last turn to contest objectives is the best way to win objective missions. I had a raider of wyches coming on from reserve and a raider from a warrior squad left at the final turn for us which was 5. The wyches got 12" assault so they came on 12" from the board deployed 2" from the raider fleeted 5" and assaulted 12" to nearly wipe out a kroot squad holding an objective contesting it. The empty raider went flat out contesting the other held objective. Final result was a draw with him claiming all 4 bonus points and 2100ish VPs, me 780is VPs

Game 2 had me up against a foot chaos build with Kharn and a Lash Sorcerer and 20 lesser daemons and a greater daemon and normal marines and havocs. He ended up getting a major victory as I had to go to him instead of us meeting each other like we would with a mech build. This guy tied for second but could of had second by himself because he did not declare a chaos marine squad onto a contested quarter instead of a quarter he was controlling.

Game three had me against a Space Marine army that did not have Vulkan or Pedro. (yes those do actually exist and I was as surprised as you are) this just went downhill after he seized the initiative but on the upside he Imobilised his Land Raider driving through terrain

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