Saturday, May 8, 2010

Adding Skimmers to Your Army

Every Codex has access to at least one option for a skimmer-type unit. Marines have land speeders and Jump Packs, (yeah, I know jump packs are not skimmers but they have the same function of moving fast over terrain). Tau have jet packs and their vehicles,and Dark Eldar have Raider Transports and Jetbikes. There are many others these are just cover the main bases and the priciple is the same.

Now when adding units to your army start by slowly adding them. Like when switiching from foot to mech it is better to add a transport to unit A, play some games then add a transport to unit B, etc. That way your playsyle slowly adjusts instead of a complete 180 where you get massacred every time and then stop using your new units.

Now with non-transport units like ravagers, land speeders and hammerheads more is better once you learn to use them and their special rules. Like Fritz always says one can be avoided or killed easily but three is something that must be dealt with. Every shot spent killing your killy stuff is not going towards your troops which will win you the game come turn 5 and objectives are counted.

Jetbikes and jump infantry are something to be taken sparingly unless building your entire army around them. For the most part all they just have the ability to move faster than normal troops, but do not score, are more expensive, and are more likely to be shot at. How ever when taken en masse certain codexes can use them effectivly, namely normal Eldar since jetbikes are troops for them and have a 3+ save as opposed to a normal 5+ but they are quite a bit more expensive than and do not get the heavy weapons that normal guardians have.

Any comments can be posted below.

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