Okay I know this is not the 2000pt Deathwing I promised but I have a couple 1850 point games coming up so why not share that list instead.
One Game could be against an Imperial Guard Player with an unknown Armystyle, one game could be against either DoA Blood Angels or Speed Freak Orks, the final possibility is unknown but my hunch is either Dark Eldar or a mounted Space Wolves.
My list is
5 Scouts-4 Sniper Rifles, 1 Missile Launcher-120
3 Ravenwing Bikers-2 Meltaguns-140
Deathwing Squad-Assault Cannon(Hereafter Asscann) Powerfist(PF), Storm Bolter(SB) Chainfist(CF), Two Lightning Claws(LC),Thunder Hammer Storm Shield(THSS), and Storm Bolter Powerfist-250
Deathwing Squad-Asscann PF,SB CF,Power Weapon(PW)SB,LC,THSS-250
Deathwing Squad-Asscann CF,2 SB PF,LC,THSS-250
Deathwing Squad-THSS Cyclone,SB PW,SB CF,THSS,LC-240
Deathwing Squad-THSS Cyclone,SB PW,SB PF,THSS,LC-235
Deathwing Squad-LC Cyclone,2 THSS,2 SB PF-235
I chose to spread the THSS around instead of concentrating them into one unit because any AP 2 would be focused AWAY from that unit and my more fragile units would end up being slaughtered. This way the AP 2 is spread around more. No Apothecary or Banner because they only benefit one squad and are not worth the points, because if it ignores my 2+ it ignores FNP, and if I fail my 2+ I do not like my chance of making my FNP. The Banner? either I already win Combat with out the Banner or I will lose even with the Banner so it is not worth it.
The Scout squad is an extra Missile Launcher shot and the Sniper Rifles while expensive at 5pts each when compared to other codexes (Wolves it is 3pts, and Codex Marines and Blood Angels it is free) fit better with the Missile Launcher and can also threaten Side Armour of Chimeras or Rhinos/Razorbacks.
The Bikes are the only Melta in the list (Gasp!) because I only have 3 bikes and I felt I needed a Teleport Homer to assist with my Deep Striking. Also If I do not get first turn They can Scout move Behind Cover or Outflank.
A question to the Community. Which Squad should I attach Belial to? Leave your responce in the Comments and feel free to offer any advice or criticisms.
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