Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Winner is ....

A Mechanised Dark Eldar army, my original 40k Army. The good news is I am guaranteed to do as good as last year or better (I took last place at my local regional event :( [But I cost the third place guy Second place])

My list will end up varying slightly due to a big expenditure potentially coming up, thus cash needs to be conserved.

Duke Sliscus-150
Lady Malys-130
2X 9 Bloodbrides-3 Hydra Guantlets, Syren Agoniser-242*2=484
2X 10 Wyches-2 Shardnets, Hekartix, Agoniser-210*2=420
2X 10 Warriors-Dark Lance-380
Raider-Night Shields, Grisly Trophies
2X Ravagers-Flicker Fields ,Night Shields-125*2=250
Void Raven-FF, Night Shields,2 Necrotoxin Missiles, 2 Implosion Missiles-245
6 Trueborn-2 Splinter Cannons, 4 Shardcarbines-182
Raider-Night Shields
9 Reavers-3 Caltrops-258

Now I just have to hope my lances are suffiecient,(they will be if I roll average, and and smart with my target priority) and get a favorable match up (Either Daemons, or a slow Tyranids)

Please comment below.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Dark Eldar Special Character Tactics: Duke Sliscus

The biggest problem people have during wargames is planning fo every scenario. That is why I take the Duke, not only does he give me alot of flexibility, but he stretches the flexibility of my opposition by giving me the ability to counter his strengths and exploit his weaknesses. Not only does the ability to deepstrike ALL vehicles help it also allows disembarking to allow shooting against vulnerable targets.

More importantly the Duke gives 2d6 on the Roll to determine Drug Effects. This critical to any drug-based army because it mitigats that bad result that could cost you the game.

He also comes with a 3+ poison to any Warrior or Trueborn unit he is deployed with(note he does NOT have to stay with said unit). How do we take advantage of this? Either a large Warrior Squad with Splinter Cannons, or more preferably a unit of Trueborn with 2 Cannons and remaining Shardcarbinse. I personally run about 5-6 Trueborn 2 Cannons and 3-4 Carbines in a Raider with room to deploy.

However, that wastes his 2+ poison,5+ ignore armour so I take Lady Malys. Lady Malys lets you redeploy Duke into another more agressive squad such as Bloodbrides.

Any comments will be appreciated.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Mech Dark Eldar 2500pts

Since there seems to be some support for a Mechanised Dark Eldar list I am here to share.

Duke Sliscus-150
Lady Malys-130
2X 9 Bloodbrides-3 Hydra Gauntlets, Syren, Agoniser-177*2=354
2X 10 Wyches-2 Shardnets, Hekartix Agoniser-150*2=300
2X 10 Warriors-Dark Lance-115*2=230
6 Trueborn-2 Splinter Cannons, 4 Shardcarbines-112
Raider-Flickerfields, Grisly Trophies-75
3 Void Ravens-Flickerfields, Night Shields, 4 Necrotoxin Missiles-205*3=615
5 Scourges-2 Heat Lances-134

First I will address the two biggest criticisms I forsee of the list. The largest one, "Why Spend so Much on the Void Ravens". The Void Ravens can now effectively multi-task. At 'ard Boyz there is a certain tendency to go to extremes, either a full blown horde, or a wall of steel. The Str 9 of the lances provide that necessary punch to get through Armour, while the 12 large blasts can deal with the hordes and prive the ability to neutralize units through forcing two leadership tests(pinning and 25% casualties), if the opponent rolls enough saves/tests, he will eventually fail some.

Second, only four troops at 2500pts. While there is certainly room to trim points to allow for an extra 5-man Warrior Squad in a Venom with a Blaster, I did not feel it was necessary to provide yet two more easy Kill Points to my opponent.

Then general strategy is to Nuke Enemy Lynchpins(either Death Star units, Synapse Creatures or units with Area of Effect Buffs such as Venomthropes), and the Duke will Deploy with the Trueborn for the 3+ poison and be redeployed into a Bloodbride unit with Lady Malys' assistance. I will hope for a Pain Token with the Combat Drugs, followed by Rerolling Wounds, and +1 Attack.

The Lance Count is Low due to only one Blast Pistol and no Blasters but I am Confident I will stick to the lessons I have learned of making sure important targets die before moving on.

As always please check my math and post criticisms/comments in the comments section.

Monday, April 11, 2011

More Votes!!!!

I need more votes on What Army to take for 'ard boyz, to help make my decision. If anybody has a Idea that is cheap ($400 or less from packs enough antitank (I'm talking the ability to engage at least 2 Land Raiders and 3-4 Razorbacks a turn) post it in the comments and I will add it to the poll and consider purchasing and playing with it.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

New Poll Up!

I am placing which list style I will focus on first in the hand of the voters.

A little Description of each. ( This may seem like a giant advertisment for Wayland Games, it is, but they are my prefered Retailer due to cost, they ship quick, and they offer me a very small percantage of any sales purchased after directly going from this site to their's through one of the links/banners, so please if you purchase from Wayland Games - Discount Wargames use this website and I can stay in business)

Pure Ravenwing:Pretty much Maxed out Ravenwing Attack Squads with Meltas, Options come down to Speeder or Jetbike for Sammael. Will require large purchase from Wayland Games - Discount Wargames

Pure Deathwing: 6 Terminator Squads and 2 Normal Land Raiders, 1 Land Raider Crusader for Belial and I-Chaplain, Choice HF instead of Assault Cannon, the points saved will buy Terminator Armour for the Chaplain, as stands 3 Assault Cannon Squads, 3 Cyclone Squads. Least amount of Purchasing Required from Wayland Games - Discount Wargames

Doublewing: 3 Cyclone Terminator Squads, 3 Full Ravenwing Attack Squads, and 2 Typhoons, and a Single Land Speeder. Options come down to Speeder or Jetbike for Sammael and MM or HB on the Land Speeder and Typhoons. Will require a good sized purchase from Wayland Games - Discount Wargames

Knigts of Blood: See This is probably the least familar list to anybody (including myself)so perhaps it has a shock value. Will require a big purchase from Wayland Games - Discount Wargames

Mech DE: Pretty much alot of Raiders+Combat Drugs+Duke Sliscus(tactics coming soon) Will Require some purchasing from Wayland Games - Discount Wargames

9 Broadsides: Pretty much just setting up and saying "That tank Dies, That Tank Dies" while having Layer after Layer of Kroot and Kroot Hounds in between the Broadsides and the horde of dismounted infantry. Will Require large purchase from Wayland Games - Discount Wargames

Please vote and post any comments requesting clarifications of lists and I will respond.

'Ard Boyz 2011 List Building Strategies

Even though 'Ard Boyz is in August it is never too early to start preparing. The first step is Deciding Which Army to Use. This is somewhat important because certain builds are favored by Certain Armies. For instance if I were to run with 6 units of 10 Marines in a Rhino, I would Not nessecessarily use Dark Angels, Either Codex Marines which is slightly cheaper or Wolves with the extra Attacks in CC but lose out on a Heavy weapon, or the Speedy Rhino Abilities of Blood Angels Tactical Squads, etc.

Each Codex has certain Unique qualites that Must be played to in order to be competitive. Blood Angels have Speed, Templares have Prefered Enemy and Veteran Skills, Dark Angels have Sacred Standards, Wolves have more Attacks, Codex Marines have many abilities granted by Combat/Chapter Tactics.

The next step is Testing this is important especially if you need to purchase more models to complete your list. Test Multiple lists varying slightly and figure out what you are more comfortable with.

Finally it is time to pull the trigger order your models have them painted and put them on the table.