Sunday, February 20, 2011

Court of the Archon Tactics

Many people are still using a 2nd edition(and 3rd, and 4th and most of 5th to this point) mindset using Incubi as bodyguard for their Archon. This is suboptimal for a couple reasons.
First, It ties up an extra Elite slot that could be spent on Trueborn(2 Lances, Raider with Lance and FF), which in turn, could free up Heavy Support slots for Talos or the new Flyers instead of running Triple Lance Ravagers.

Second, assaulting with Incubi and your Archon are overkill against most medium infantry, and heavy infantry should be the target of Wyches/Bloodbrides because Incubi are like a sharp knife, good for quick thrusts into soft tissue, but will break when trying to cut through a rock.

So what will fill the Bodyguard role? The Archon's Court. My Build is 5 Ur-Ghuls, 2 Sslyth and a Medusae, and Lhamaen in a Raider, of course. This gives a Plethora of Attacks that will wound easily, which makes this perhaps the 2nd best anti-horde unit in the Codex, and comes from a "free" FOC slot.

The wounds should be taken first on the Sslyth but be fore you lose a Ssylth, then, Lhaemean, Medusae and then The Ur-ghuls, the Sslyth should be the Last to Die do to its inherent flexibility.

Leave your Comments below.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Team Tournament Report

So yesterday I was part of a team tournament using Adepticon rules and scenarios with the exception of 2 people teams instead of four people. I will preface the by saying I had very few expectations heading into this because my partner and I have never played together before (or against), and we only had 1 week to pull our lists together.

Speaking of
Belial-2 LC
5 TH/SS Terminators-Cyclone,Apothecary
2 LC, 2 TH/SS, Heavy Flamer Chainfist Terminators
2 LC, 2 TH/SS, Cyclone, Chainfist Terminators
3 Bikes-2 Melta

My partner's (from memory so I will only have the important parts)
CCS-OOF, Lascannon
2 Vet Squads- couple meltas and Lascannon, Chimera
2 Infantry Squads-Comissar, 2 Autocannons
Deathstrike (Hell yeah!)
Armoured Sentinel-Autocannon

The only General Strategies were to take it one step at a time, and He was the Brains and the Guns, and I was the CC muscle.

First Game was Orks + Tau, pithed battle deployment VPs were the primary(you need 50% from EACH opponent, possible for both sides to score it )
6 Fire Warriors in a fish, 2 Broadsides, Elite Crisis team and HQ Crisis Team, 10 Kroot, Orks had Wagon, Gazzy Thraka, KFF Big Mek, and 3 Large boyz mobs with Klaw

Deciding Factor was their deployment. They won the roll but gave us first turn. I don't remember our deployment except for my squads stayed in reserve except for they bikes, and the Deathstrike was in the corner.

The Tau reserved almost everything except for Broadsides and FW fish. The Orks deployed splitting 2 Boyz squads in 1 corner with the Tau stuff and a Boyz squad with the Ork Characters and the Battle Wagon in the other.

For the most part it was sit back and shoot the Orks were 2 slow to reach the Guard after the Deathwing first immoblised the Battle Wagon with Krak missiles to side Armour, then exploded it.

Deathstrike fired with out a hitch aside from the smallest radius being rolled for the blast.

We took maximum points with exception of 2 command counters which were unplayed by our opponents

Game 2 is a little more fuzzy (okay a lot more) it was against Wolves and Blood Angels, the Blood Angels was mostly Drop Pods with Dreads inside. Wolves were a fire support with 2 Rhinos with Grey Hunters and Rune Priests, a Dakkapread and 2 MM/HF Speeders

We castled up and Seized on them wrecking both rhinos turn 1, after that it was pretty much moving for table quarters and Terminators Chainfisting Pods for Kill Points

We took primary and Secondary they took Tertiary (Most Costly Unit)

Okay 2-0 the best start Ive had at a tournament. We go into game 3 thinking we were on the second table turns out it was the top 1. The team we were playing against were running their Adepticon lists that they had been practicing with for 5 months (that was the number they gave us) So time put in Us 1 week Them 22ish weeks.

Mission was Dawn of War with 2 Objectives in each Deployment zone, Opponents Objectives worth 8 your own worth 3. (Command Counters made the objective held by that unit Uncontestable mine went to TH/SS termies with FNP)

Everything was plugging along fine Guard were getting hammered, of, course since DoW screwed our planned defense (the 1 mission we didn't want Daemons we got 'em) My Termies deep struck near their objectives. The mixed Termy squad would be Lashed away from the objective during the Top of the the Turn and then in the Bottom I would move and Run them back.

Turn 4 once the Fiends of Slaanesh fail the reserve roll due to the Officer of the Fleet, I whisper to my partner we have the game if it ends Turn 5, becase once my Termies made it to the objective (the ones that make it uncontestable)they would be hidden from the Oblits and the Fiends would not be able to survive. So we get to Turn 5 we have both of their objectives and the bonous for an HQ within 3" of one of their objectives.... but it goes to Turn 6, Mixed unit gets Lashed and Plasma Cannoned, and Charged by Prince for good measure, (and I was Stranded in the open So no killing the Prince before it attacked) the full fiend unit charges the Termies plus a Zerker unit I hold for the first round of Combat with Belial and 1 Termie which turned into seperate combats. The Fiend do 9 wounds with no rends, and since the apothecary had to die to ensure a Termie in scoring range no FNP :( , I make 7 saves and the Termies Die and Belial eats a Zerker Power Fist.

We get a whole 0 pts in Game 3 yet we still take the Best General award.